Léo Caillard & Àsìkò sur Vigo Street and Conduit Street

En partenariat avec The Crown Estate, MTArt Agency a incorporé des œuvres d’art inspirantes dans les rues du cœur de Londres qui ont souffert de l’apparition du covid. Les artistes Léo Caillard et Àsìkò ont ainsi proposé des réponses artistiques pour dynamiser Vigo Street et Conduit Street. Les travaux d’Àsìkò sont visibles vers la Royal […]

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Hotel Rochechouart x Tiffany Bouelle

Notre artiste Tiffany Bouelle a produit une série d’œuvres d’art pour la dernière adresse trendy de Paris. Sixième écrin du groupe Orso Hôtel situé en plein cœur du 9ème arrondissement de la capitale, l’Hôtel Rochechouart est un hôtel Art Deco totalement rénové par le talentueux duo d’architectes Festen dans le respect de l’âme du lieu. […]

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The Crown Estate x Delphine Diallo

En partenariat avec The Crown Estate, MTArt Agency a incorporé des œuvres d’art inspirantes dans les rues du cœur de Londres qui ont souffert de l’apparition du covid. L’exposition d’art public de Delphine Diallo, “One Love”, occupe 12 mètres de devantures de boutiques vacantes au cœur de Regent Street, et met en valeur son travail […]

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Nikon Europe x Delphine Diallo

Delphine Diallo tested for its launch the new Nikon Z7II for this shoot. Photography allows her to interpret her experience as a human being and express it visually. Delphine uses an interesting mix of collage and photography to create an iconic vision of the black woman: an interpretation of which she feels are underrepresented.

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Beyond Walls, Istanbul

Cette immense peinture de land art biodégradable marque la 8ème étape du projet “Beyond Walls” de Saype à Istanbul. Ce projet vise à créer la plus longue chaîne humaine symbolique au monde et de promouvoir des valeurs telles que la solidarité, la bonté et l’ouverture sur le monde.

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Beyond Walls, Istanbul

Saype painted for the 8th step of his worldwide “Beyond Walls” project on a floating barge in the Golden Horn of the Bosphorus, Istanbul, Turkey. Three frescoes were created using biodegradable pigments made out of charcoal, chalk, water and milk proteins. The Beyond Walls aims at creating the largest symbolic human chain around the world, […]

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Claire Luxton, United Nations 75th Anniversary Commission, 2020.

Claire Luxton was selected to create this artwork for the 75th anniversary of the United Nations

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MTArt Agency Artists x Madame Figaro

MTArt artists Andrea Tyrimos and Tiffany Bouelle are on the cover of Madame Figaro! For the 40th anniversary of the magazine, art curator David-Herve Boutin has selected 26 artists to be exhibited at an exhibition at the Monnaie de Paris, who will also feature on the cover of Madame Figaro. The auction house Artcurial will […]

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The Crown Estate x Delphine Diallo

MTArt Agency is delighted to unveil its latest public art installation on Regent Street. The public art exhibition, “One Love”, occupies 12 metres of vacant shopfronts in the heart of Regent Street, and showcases Delphine Diallo’s powerful photography. The exhibition opens the narrative for a more inclusive world and society Working with The Crown Estate, […]

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Vigo Street and Conduit Street x Léo Caillard and Àsìkò

Teaming up with The Crown Estate, MTArt Agency has incorporated exciting artworks in streets and shops that have struggled since the COVID-19 outbreak. In order to keep the area beautiful and inspiring, artists Léo Caillard and Àsìkò have provided artistic responses to activate the area. Asiko’s works adorn hoardings by the Royal Academy whilst Caillard’s […]

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King’s Cross Tunnel x Mahtab Hussain

The work of Mahtab Hussain forms part of a major new public exhibition in King’s Cross Tunnel and the surrounding area alongside other leading international artists. Curated by Ekow Eshun and in partnership with the Fund for Global Human Rights, the exhibition faces the crippling effects of COVID-19 and its impact on marginalized communities, and […]

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Rosewood London Hotel x Lauren Baker

MTArt Agency has spent 2020 trying to make magic and miracles happen, whilst inspiring people all over the world, and are delighted to be doing just that in partnership with Rosewood London. On 8th October, experts in public art MTArt Agency will be installing the work of MTArt artist, Lauren Baker in the grounds of […]

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