
Robert Montgomery, ‘When We Are Gone The Trees Will Riot’, 2023, Solo exhibition, UBP Monaco, Monaco, France.


The purpose of art is to touch the hearts of strangers, believes Robert Montgomery.
Seamlessly blending visual and textual art, he draws on the modernist poets of the early
twentieth century to map out the journey of our industrialisation. The journey that has brought
us to where we are now – running out of road and in dire need of new direction.
That new direction has to be back to nature. And to the trees. The trees that will riot in
protest if we make ourselves extinct. Because they are our friends and they don’t see why we
can’t all live in harmony.
Human endeavour, as he seeks to point out, does not have to be, cannot be, at the expense
of the other species we share the planet with. And likewise, preserving nature does not mean
doing away with cities and human civilisation.
We all have a role to play in applying this wisdom, by making the right choices in how we
move, interact, consume, invest… in how we live. And then the trees won’t have to riot
because we’ll get to stay.
Robert Montgomery’s art, which we are proudly exhibiting at UBP Monaco in partnership with
MTArt agency, will stir up a riot of emotions in your heart.

Sérène El Masri
Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA, Monaco Branch
















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