The Crown Estate x Dede Bandaid

In collaboration with The Crown Estate, we brought a public art project on Regent Street with the work of our artist Dede Bandaid. « Culture fix » is an ongoing public art project started by Dede Bandaid at the beginning of the first lockdown. It aims at capturing as many people as possible from the cultural sector who are frustrated to not to be able to perform in front of their usual audience. ‘Culture fix’ is Dede Bandaid’s way to maintain local cultures alive while restrictions prevent us from gathering and celebrating together. To do so, the artist gives all kind of creators a temporary stage in the public space to keep a connection with their audience.

“I was seeking a way to express and heal my wounds. The band aid then became a symbol for all kinds of difficulties – personal and social — seeking remedies.” – Dede Bandaid

Please meet from left to right four musicians from Tel Aviv who miss live performances very much:

Or Edry is a dream-pop singer, a songwriter, a bass player, a music producer and a synthesizer freak.

Sivan Talmor is a singer & songwriter who participated in the first season of “The Voice” in Israel.

Roy Rieck is a singer-songwriter, a harmonica player and a guitarist.

Peled is a rapper, a creator and one of the leaders of the Israeli hip-hop scene.


mtart agency dede bandaidAbout the artist

Dede Bandaid is a Tel Aviv based urban narrative artist, who utilizes various mediums to communicate within the public arena.  Nowadays his works can be viewed at galleries, exhibition spaces, various art events and in the streets of art capitals around the world, such as London, New York, Berlin and Tel-Aviv.








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